One of the greatest aspects of being involved in youth sports is working alongside parents and other community members that work tirelessly on behalf of our kids. There is one person I would like to use this space in this issue to recognize as being and absolute standout in this regard.

Lisa Davis and her family have supported youth soccer in our area for over a decade. The list of things Lisa has done for our Club is just too long to list here, but it would include volunteer coordinator, financial aid officer, board member, member of our communications team, team manager, coordinator of our fan gear shop and SUPERMOM to teams of girls, to name a few. She has been and a great friend to me, to our club and to our community.

Lisa’s daughter Renee has moved on to a Girl’s Academy program (congratulations Renee) and without a doubt Lisa will soon be volunteering her time to help that program. On behalf of our entire soccer community, thank you Lisa! You will be sorely missed and we will always appreciate you.