Our Mission

To create “the best of the best” experiences and opportunities for youth soccer players through our club, events and facilities.

Our Vision

Folsom Lake Surf will be the preeminent soccer organization in Northern California at all levels and among families of all means – known for excellent soccer programming, community building, first-rate service, and high-quality facilities.

Our Values

Development – Continue to think big with a focus on improving the experiences of all participants: coaches, players, staff, volunteers, referees and parents. We recognize that the development and retention of quality people, excellent Club culture and a commitment to customer service directly correlate to our core objectives and mission.

Enjoyment – Create an environment fostering a positive and fun experience for all involved, building friendships and resulting in lifelong advocates of the game of soccer. Regardless of the intensity or competitiveness of the soccer activities players engage in, core to their experience must be a fundamental feeling of fun, happiness and accomplishment.

Professionalism – Operate in an ethical and transparent manner and always try to do the right thing. Courtesy, honesty, integrity, and proper conduct shall be cornerstones of all actions. Our staff, coaches, volunteers, players, families and referees shall conduct themselves respectfully at all Surf activities.

Respect – Show respect for all irrespective of ability, age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or any other factor. We are committed to our club being a safe space where people can freely and openly express themselves.

Inclusiveness – We welcome all participants and value diversity. We will provide programming suitable for all ages and abilities and will actively seek to remove obstacles to participation, including language and financial barriers.

Community – Work in partnership with other organizations and individuals who share common objectives and values to ensure the best outcomes for the local community. We recognize and respect that the smooth operating of our Club relies on the inter-connectivity of community resources.

Commitment -We believe in following through on what we say we will do; that commitment is a core value in the pursuit of excellence, whatever that looks like. We understand that mutual commitment builds trust, respect and ultimately strong community inside our Club, and in the broader community we serve. Delivering on our promises is a key driver for recruitment and retention of members.

Core Objective –To be recognized in our community as a premier soccer club known for developing and retaining players and having high quality coaches, referees, facilities and customer service.

To achieve our Core Objective, Surf has identified 8 strategic priority areas that represent the intersection of what we are passionate about, good at, and what will serve our community and members well:

  1. Player Development – To always put the player first and develop them in key components of the game, while providing opportunities for all players to grow.
  2. Coach Development – Changes that the Club hopes to achieve to improve the development of coaches which in turn will develop our players.
  3. Referee Development -To improve the development of Referee’s in the Club which in turn will develop our players.
  4. Volunteer Development – To recruit and retain volunteers in the various roles related to putting and keeping players on the field.
  5. Organizational Development – To have the administration and operational functions required to putting and keeping players on the field.
  6. Community Development -To ensure Surf is synonymous with youth soccer in Folsom and surrounding areas.
  7. Player Recruitment and Retention Plan Development – To ensure we recruit and retain players by delivering on our promises.
  8. Safety and Risk Management – To ensure Surf is a safe place for all involved.