It has been a busy few months since I was handed the opportunity to join Folsom Lake Surf as Director of Coaching, and I have enjoyed every moment!
The perspective of a club from the outside is never completely true of what a club really is, until you are inside and working at it! In these few months I have been with Surf I have discovered a hidden gem of a youth soccer club where our member’s hopes are aligned with mine. I am confident we will continue to grow into the quality club Folsom deserves, which will be my main focus as my tenure with Surf turns from months into years! My goal is to help elevate Folsom Lake Surf to reflect the quality of what our community expects. Having great families, coaches, a supportive Board of Directors and great facilities we will not only continue to validate to our existing members that they made a great choice to play for Surf, we will continue to establish ourselves as a destination club for new players. During these months on the job, I have spent many hours with coaches watching their teams play and train in order to get a clear picture of coaching standards across the club, to evaluate players as well as become familiar with each teams style of play. Overall I have been happy with what I have seen, as I believe we have a great group of coaches who will continue to grow! A main goal is to ensure standardization in the quality of our coaching, to make sure our players are both understanding and adhering to elite behaviors and are able to implement a successful game model which Folsom Lake Surf teams and players will be recognized for.
On a personal note, it has been wonderful for myself and my wife to reconnect with good people from prior days and just as important to have made many new friends. My life and this game I love have been intertwined since the day I was born (son of Scottish parents) and it has been filled with incredible memories both on and off the field. I am looking forward to creating so many more with all of you! See you at the fields!
– Iain