This month we introduced a mentoring opportunity for Russell Alvarez’s U14 Premier ll girls. We invited U11G FSC rec team Paws and Claws coached by coach Denis Lin, out to a training for a big buddy/little buddy night. Coach Russ ran a combined training where he taught them proper warm up, ran drills, skills and games and not only showed these young players what its like to be a competitive player, but taught his own team what its like to be a positive role model, how to keep a high standard as you are being watched/copied. So fun see the community coming together to form a positive relationship and deeper love for the game.
Afterwards they celebrated with pizza where all the little girls got to engage and share what they love most about soccer. The girls had such a great experience that it didn’t end there. The U11 girls game to a Halloween tournament game where they cheered on the U14 girls. Next up Russ and his team are heading out to cheer on Paws and Claws for their last game of the season. So fun seeing our soccer community coming together in such a positive way!
We plan on introducing this program to more teams in the years to come!